Exciting news! Our new website launched this week. Please take a moment to review. If you are suffering from pain, anxiety, immune challenges…we are here for you! At the bottom of this email, is a valuable Youtube meditation (LET GO) that will lift you spirits in this time of global change.
Seeing many of you has brought smiles to our faces. We understand the confusion of how best to live each day right now. The news can be frightening. Amen to justice and equal rights for all, and UNITY IN DIVERSITY as our prayer wall beautifully represents.
Yes our center IS open while following all the guidelines and PPE for your safety. As of today (June 12th), not one of our patients has had the Covid virus and our entire staff, remains healthy in body and spirit. Oh yes, we live our mission! Meanwhile we continue to educate our community on the importance of radical self care right now and…
… the power to live a regenerative lifestyle?
What this essentially means is that you can grow biologically younger with a ROBUST immune system and turn a degenerative cycle into an active regenerative process, triggering new tissues to reset in your joints, face, scalp and sexual organs to name a few.
The best part is you can do this naturally, without surgery and drugs.
Get Access to My FREE Mini-Course HERE!
Regenerative Medicine is the future of Healthcare. It provides a natural choice for healthcare.
It is your birthright to regenerate by design, rather than degenerate by default.
Here are the 7-Steps for the foundation to support regeneration:
1. Regenerate
2. Remove
3. Rebuild
4. Regain
5. Renew
6. Restore
7. Revive
Begin living the Benson Regenerative Protocol today for FREE! Simply follow the 7-Steps to build your foundation toward a regenerative life and get access my powerful CHEAT SHEET!
My Mini-Course FREE HERE! FOR WOMEN! Schedule a complimentary call with me today! ONLY 2 SPACES LEFT for July!
I would like to get to know you and help answer your questions so you can be among this intimate group of women ready for a unique experience to breakthrough and reinvent yourself in 2020!
The A.R.T. of Radical Self Care for Women For MORE INFO CLICK HERE!
My office manager, Dara, for Santa Fe Soul, Center for Regenerative Medicine, will be standing by the phone to take your call to schedule your complimentary time with me. She will be available M-F 8 am – 5 pm MST (505) 474-8555 or email her at: manager@santafesoul.com
Enjoy the sun, the birds, the trails that are now open and breathing in clean air!
Self-Care Revolution / Santa Fe Soul 2905 Rodeo Park Dr East Building #3 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 United States (505) 986-1089
Author Dr. Robyn Benson Dr. Robyn Benson brings an innovative and game changing approach to today’s health care. Robyn offers the most advanced leading-edge therapies, procedures and products designed to renew restore and revive peoples’ health called ART (Amplified Regenerative Therapies). Dr. Robyn Benson, author, speaker, self-care and regenerative medicine expert is known by many to be THE health detective with life-changing solutions! She is the owner and founder of Santa Fe Soul Center for Regenerative Medicine for over 15 years. For the past 27 years, she’s applied her considerable knowledge of acupuncture, platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy, Herbs, IV therapies and her love for healthy travel to help patients resolve acute and chronic health challenges and to achieve optimal and sustainable health. Dr. Benson is a graduate of the University of Virginia with a B.S. in Sports Medicine and a Master’s Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She is a board-certified in orthopedic and pediatric acupuncture.