I will offer a super simple exercise everyone can do.
It will give you the steps to take in order to lead you to
a life filled with JOY.”
Welcome to this special episode of YOUNGER . Dr. Robyn would like to introduce you to one of her dearest friends on this planet, Dr. Joy Martina.
This is a great discussion about “The ART of Intuitive Manifestation.” Dr. Robyn delves into the mystical world of intuition with Dr. Joy who is known as a global expert.
As you listen, you will explore Dr. Joy’s unique approach and techniques that can offer you the ability to learn the tools you have within you. This episode will be your opportunity to uncover the power of your subconscious mind.
Dr. Joy calls herself a psychic psychologist with all the degrees that go with that title. She is the founder of Golden Goddess Circles, and has authored 7 books, including her most recent bestseller, How to Use Your Intuition to Change Your Life.
Dr. Joy effortlessly explains our authentic connection with desires and how we can directly shape a profound and meaningful reality.
Over the decades, Dr. Joy has researched intuition and discovered it is a powerful gateway toward the guiding force needed for most transformative work. This knowledge and wisdom is how she helps so many.
Dr. Joy has mastered ways to listen, hearing soul messages. In a session she will become a trusted guide to help you step into your own truth and create a life in alignment to you, for your own highest good.
Dr. Joy has an otherworldly ability to ‘process’ what you might not even realize about yourself. She has been known to help turn deep seated limiting beliefs on their head and offer swift transformation needed to claim your personal power and to start living the life you were meant to live.
Dr. Joy’s methods may appear decidedly woo-woo, yet they are based in tangible metaphysics and science. She seems to attract 1,000’s from around the world and has been recognized as a serious professional in this field.
“What I enjoy most about Dr. Joy, is the way she always leads with one objective, unconditional love. Her intended message is clear and she creatively shares the fun while generating joyful experiences.” — Dr. Robyn Benson
“Love resonates on every level of Dr. Joy’s being. She has the gift of channeling unconditional love energy to all those who witness her unique gifts.“
Here are the key takeaways from this YOUNGER podcast episode:
•Your ability to tap into your own intuition and tune into your personal wisdom
•Ways to recognize your body’s kinesthetic channel
•How to learn joyful and pleasurable experiences
•Ways to listen to your gut just as much as your brain
•Methods to use your energy for good
•Your ability to draw from the quantum field
•Connect to your highest potential
•How to create big change in your life
•Your ability to tune into your environment
•Ways to recognize you are stuck in an old pattern and how to make a shift · Witness your triggers and react less to them
•The pathway from an emotionally attached and highly charged position to a grounded, neutral state.
Additional Episode Quotes:
You can transform limiting beliefs and program into an abundance mindset.
Let’s claim your power and start living the life you value in your heart and expand on your desire to live. Envision your greatest, grandest self.